The glaze production technology of an early Ottoman pottery (mid-14th(?)-16th century): The case of « Miletus Ware »
Long range self-organisations of small metallic nanocrystals for SERS detection of electrochemical reactions
Line intensity parameters in the nu(3) and 2 nu(3)-nu(3) bands of methyl chloride in the 13 mu m region
Pigments and glassy matrix of the 17th–18th century enamelled French watches: A non-invasive on-site Raman and pXRF study
A new setup for probing condensed matter in the Far IR to THz ranges at sub-Kelvin temperatures on the AILES beamline at SOLEIL
European ceramic technology in the Far East: enamels and pigments in Japanese art from the 16th to the 20th century and their reverse influence on China
Versatile and robust synthesis process for the fine control of the chemical composition and core-crystallinity of spherical core-shell Au@Ag nanoparticles