5 mois

Stage M2S2 « Raman-based characterization of functionalized graphenoid surfaces »

Self-assembly of molecular networks has emerged as a versatile and promising approach to tune the surface properties of materials.  The aim of this study is to use Raman spectroscopy to investigate the electronic structure of graphenoid surfaces functionalized with 3D molecular building blocks and confirm the presence of metal-ligand coordination bonding. In this context, an electronically active molecule can be decoupled from a conducting substrate, with a view to develop new molecular electronics and photonics devices

The project will involve the Raman characterization of functionalized surfaces using different excitation

Gwénaël Gouadec - Contacter
Monaris - Sorbonne-Université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

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6 mois

Etude expérimentale de nanocomposites à base de PVDF

Stage de 6 mois pour l'étude expérimentale de nanocomposites à base de PVDF renforcé par des nanomatériaux hybrides avec des nanomatériaux de carbone nano-renforcés à base de PVDF avec des nanomatériaux de carbone