28 September 2021

Séminaire : « The chemistry of halide perovskites: the key of their prominent optoelectronic properties »

The photovoltaic field has been recently “scrambled” by the coming of Halide Perovskites (HaPs) with record photo-conversion efficiencies equivalent to the ones of Silicon. HaPs are a class of semiconducting materials showing high-absorptivity, good electronic properties and, most importantly, extremely ease of production with a good quality. All these characteristics make HaPs the currently most prominent candidate as absorbing materials in recent photovoltaic (PV) applications.

Séminaire invité donné par Dr. Davide Raffaele Ceratti

28 September 2021, 14h0016h00
Salle 101 de l’UFR de Chimie (couloir 32-42) sur le campus Pierre et Marie Curie