
Nouveauté : Toutes les publications par laboratoires de l’UFR de chimie  regroupées
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Lisiecki I., Polli D., Yan C., Soavi G., Duval E., Cerullo G., Pileni M.P.

Coherent longitudinal acoustic phonons in three-dimensional supracrystals of cobalt nanocrystals

Abstract: We use broadband picosecond acoustics to detect longitudinal acoustic phonons with few-gigahertz frequency in three-dimensional supracrystals (with face-centered cubic lattice) of 7 nm cobalt nanocrystal spheres. In full analogy with atomic crystals, where longitudinal acoustic phonons propagate with the speed of sound through coherent movements of atoms of the lattice out of their equilibrium positions, in these supracrystals atoms are replaced by (uncompressible) nanocrystals and atomic bonds by coating agents (carbon chains) that act like mechanical springs holding together the nanocrystals...

Exporter la référence : DOI: 10.1021/nl4028704 (2013)
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Yang Z., Lisiecki, I., Walls, M., Pileni M.P.

Nanocrystallinity and the ordering of nanoparticles in two-dimensional superlattices : Controlled formation of either core/shell Co/CoO or hollow CoO nanocrystals

Abstract: Here it is demonstrated that the diffusion process of oxygen in Co nanoparticles is controlled by their 2D ordering and crystallinity. The crystallinity of isolated Co nanoparticles deposited on a substrate does not play any role in the oxide formation. When they are self-assembled in 2D superlattices, the oxidation process is slowed and produces either core/shell (Co/CoO) nanoparticles or hollow CoO nanocrystals. This is attributed to the decrease in the oxygen diffusion rate when the nanoparticles are interdigitated. Initially, polycrystalline nanoparticles form core/shell (Co/CoO) structures, while for single-domain hexagonal close-packed Co nanocrystals, the outward diffusion of Co ions is favored over the inward diffusion of oxygen, producing hollow CoO single-domain nanocrystals.

Exporter la référence : DOI: 10.1021/nn304922s (2013)
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Denis Guthleben

Marie Curie, la pionnière aux deux Nobel

Il y a tout juste 150 ans, le 7 novembre 1867, naissait Marie Curie. Alors que de nombreux événements sont prévus cette année pour célébrer cette scientifique de génie, dont une grande exposition au Panthéon, l’historien Denis Guthleben revient sur son parcours marqué, entre autres, par l’obtention de deux prix Nobel dans des disciplines différentes.

Exporter la référence : Lire l'article sur le CNRS le journal
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